table lamp usb outlet

In a modern office setting, a table lamp can provide a functional and decorative accent while at the same time serving a functional purpose. With the right selection, a lamp can help you finish off your work desk by illuminating your office in a non-obtrusive manner. Besides, a well-crafted table lamp will complement your office’s decor.

While the most obvious choice is a traditional table lamp, there are more sophisticated options available to suit your needs. The best of the bunch are those that can provide illumination in the form of LED bulbs, which saves money on electricity while at the same time delivering the glow you want. To get the most out of your new light bulb, you will want to make sure it has a long life. This can be done by keeping it out of the way of visitors and making sure it is plugged in regularly to avoid a power spike.

If you are interested in adding a little bit more light to your workspace, consider investing in a lamp with a USB port. Having one on hand will enable you to charge your iPhone, iPad, and other portable devices in a jiffy. Unlike other electronic gadgets, a USB powered lamp won’t interfere with the other gadgets on your desk.

You might also want to consider a touch-control model, which is a lot more convenient than plugging in a lamp every time you need to switch on or off your phone. Moreover, there is no risk of dropping your phone or tablet when you have it mounted on a secure base.

The aforementioned brushed steel metal desk lamp is a winner for a number of reasons. First, it boasts a sleek colum-like design, which makes it an ideal option for any workplace. It also comes with a matching finial and white linen shade. Additionally, it features a built-in 2A USB port, which allows you to quickly charge your mobile devices without a cord. Also, the included swivel joint makes it easy to swivel your lighting scheme around the room.

Considering that your desk can take up a significant chunk of your space, a lamp can be a nice way to add a little bit of shine to your workspace without going overboard. Depending on your tastes and budget, you can choose from a variety of styles to match your office’s decor. Whether you’re looking for a minimalist or a blinged out bling, you’ll be sure to find a model that’s perfect for your office.

A reputable company should be able to deliver the goods, and you can’t go wrong with the likes of Regency Hill, Franklin Iron Works, or BlissLights. All of these companies have made a splash with their eye-catching designs and innovative technologies. Check out their products and you might just find the perfect lamp for your office’s needs.